Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It amazes me how God works! He's always promised that he would take care of us and boy has He ever. We have been praying that He would send someone to buy or rent our house so that Charlie and I would be able to move to San Diego, CA. Up until Monday no one has really had any interest in it. A very sweet woman wanted to see the house and when she and her realtor showed up very early, an hour and a half, the house was a total mess. I was so embarrassed but they both said it was fine because they were looking at the house. Everytime she spoke all she could say was "I LOVE IT! This is so me." From the second that she walked in she was pretty much decided that this was it. After I answered some questions she had, the three of us were chating and I told her that I didn't mean to sway her decision but she would be such an answer to prayer if she were to move in. I tried so hard not to tear up but I couldn't fight them. Then she began to tell me that we were an answer to prayer to her. She had originally had everything together for a house down the stree from us and at the last minute the owner changed their mind. She was obviously upset because she had taken the day off to get everything in order but when she got the bad news her realtor said that there was one more house that was in her price range and suggested that they go see it that day. The whole time that we were telling our stories the realtor is sitting on my couch crying. By the time they left the house we all were crying. Its amazing how God works!

The only thing that is hard is we now have 10 days to get all of our things packed up and moved out of the house. One reason is because we sold the house and the other reason is because Trey's last day here is the 19th. The movers will be here the 18th, my birthday, to pack everything up and the next day they will come back to load everything up on the truck. Once all that is done we'll head on over to B'ham and stay for a week and a half or so and then leave for sunny San Diego! Now all that's left is find somewhere to live out there. So please keep up in your prayers.

Everytime something major has happend in our lives God had given us a rainbow. He did when Charlie was born and I know there was one somewhere on Monday.

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