Sunday, April 27, 2008

Finding how to be brave

A friend of mine from home wrote this:

Well, it's that time again....
In two weeks, my sweet husband will leave for another two month patrol....
Another two months alone. Two more months of loving each other through e-mails and the occasional port call phone call. Two months of sleeping alone and walking into an empty house....
I'm dreading it...but somehow I've got to pull myself togther. I still have two weeks to store up as much as I can. I refuse to let this defeat me. I just wish I felt a little braver. Just a little more confident you know? It's not like I've never been through this before but I guess saying goodbye is something I'll never get used to.
I am a military wife and somehow I've got to find a way to live up to that title.
I've got to be brave, somehow, someway....

This was my reply:

A military wife is the definition of brave. You keep on moving for two months or longer when called to without complaining. No matter how many times you have to say good bye you wouldn't trade it for the times that you get to say hello. Your strength shines bright by the fact that you said "I do" knowing full well that you would be living a married life as one person at times. Don't let the small things discourage you because now you are not only a brave military wife you are now apart of the biggest family in the country. We know that we can't make up for the one person you would rather be with but some days we are exactally what you need and some days we can make things worse, but isn't that just like family. So don't ever think that you aren't brave because you already are.
Psalm 4, 4:8, 34:18, 37:4, 46, 91
James 4:10
Isaiah 49:13, 58:11-12
Matthew 11:28-30
Philippians 2:14, 4:4-9
Deuteronomy 31:8
Hebrews 4:16, 10:36, 13:6
Proverbs 3:56
John 6:35, 14:27
2 Corinthians 1:3-7, 9:11

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